Bachelor of Ministry
in Biblical Studies
We at CMM Theology believe that an intimate walk with our great God is the answer.
The CMM Theology Bachelor of Ministry in Biblical Studies builds on the Associate of Ministry in Biblical Studies and is a foundational course of God’s revealed and supernatural Word. Strong foundations are essential at every level of our journey, regardless of our calling and destiny.
Whether you are just starting as a believer, in the ministry field, working in the secular world, busy as a homemaker, or are a seasoned veteran of the faith, the CMM Theology Bachelor of Ministry can help you grow in intimacy as the ground is laid for the supernatural truth in the Word of God.
The need for ministry professionals is growing in every mountain or sphere of influence. With a Bachelor’s degree in Ministry from CMM Theology, you can prepare to meet the spiritual needs of your community in ministry, business, education, etc., in impactful ways.
The Bachelor’s degree consists of two years—first and second year. The first year of the Bachelor program is called Associate of Ministry in Biblical Studies. The entire program is a 6-term and worth 120 credits each. Students pay $500 to start a class for each year.
By earning your Bachelor of Ministry degree online, you can receive the following:
The Study of Torah/Pentateuch, Bible History
- To gain a deeper understanding of God’s character through OT studies
- The study is then a natural overflow into our character as well as being able to hear God through scripture and in daily life more clearly
You will do a lot of reading and critical thinking but well worth the journey. There is power in the Word of God!
Redemptive Eschatology Basics
- To gain a foundational understanding of the power of the overcoming victory of eschatology and God’s plan for Israel.
There is such fear of future things in the world today. This course of study makes a powerful shift from old narratives. Students will grow in critical thinking skills abandoning old ways to hear and follow the Spirit of God.
Supernatural Finance, Prayer, and Faith
- To gain wisdom, revelation, and what it means to overcome in areas of our lives.
Overcoming old patterns and habits is vital as we are on the journey to conform to the image of God. Walking in the Spirit and abiding in Christ produce joy and build confidence in our identity. Holy Spirit is leading us into all Truth and freedom.
Finding Your Voice
- To build and gain more excellent critical thinking skills for an ever-changing world.
- To be able to identify your voice and express it in different ways.
Applied Knowledge and Practicums
- Students get to put into practice what God is showing and teaching them in practical ways through avenues of personal interest.
Your “God Dream”
What dream has God given you according to Ephesians 2:10?
For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].
Perhaps you are already involved with a ministry, business, nonprofit, church, or parachurch organization and are ready to take the next step in your career if that sounds like you, a Bachelor of Ministry from CMM College of Theology.
Embark on your ministry or business journey, or continue what the Lord has called you to with a Bachelor of Ministry from