120 cr Bachelor
35 cr MCC Available
24-Month Avg Bachelor
10-Month Avg Master
Online Class
CMM Theology is offering an Associate, Bachelor and Master of Christian Counseling
These are ministry degrees.
Certification and licensure require extra courses and fees.
The Bachelor of Christian Counseling is 120 credit hours and on average, takes 24 months to complete.
The Master of Christian Counseling degree is designed to equip you with the specialized training you will need as you are called to counsel the broken-hearted. Christian counseling combines faith with the principles of Psychology. Students learn and grow in their knowledge of human psychology through field-tested techniques and practices for promoting emotional, spiritual, and relational wellness in diverse communities.
Since the pandemic, many in every walk of life have been hurting and vulnerable. Many pastors and shepherds report a dramatic increase in requests for hope, comfort, and counseling. Being a counselor can provide great peace amid chaos and uncertainty.
Upon graduating with the CMM College of Theology Master of Christian Counseling, students can earn a certificate and licensure in the Arno Profiling System with the National Christian Counseling Association (NCCA).
*It is your responsibility to comply with state or national licensing authorities.
The program is listed in the catalog.
PATHS OF STUDY: If a student graduates with a Master in Counseling with CMM College of Theology and needs to switch directions to a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Studies with us, they would need to take the Master of Theology course.
By earning your Master of Ministry degree online, you can receive the following:
Application of Study
- Gain a Christian perspective on human development as they deepen their understanding that we are perfectly and wonderfully made.
- Learn how to help the hurting navigate through the challenges of life. Trusting in the sufficiency of Christ is foundational.
Christian Perspective
- Upon graduation, students can work to become licensed as Christian (Faith-based) counselors.
- Research has shown that graduates usually help more than 90% of those who seek counsel. This, of course, depends on each individual’s God-given talent. (taken from NCCA)
This course is accredited with AICCS, as listed on our accreditation page.
CAI of NCCA for licensure and certification ONLY. Students will graduate with a Master of Christian Counseling and then have the ability to pursue licensure, another process component. Please check with your state or nation for licensure.
This is faith-based accreditation, not a state or national degree or licensure.
FAQ For Licensure
- Can I accept remuneration for counseling?
- If you are an ordained, licensed, or commissioned minister, you probably can accept remuneration for counseling since most states exempt clergy from having to be state licensed. However, you need to check your state’s statutes. The N.C.C.A.’s license is national, not state; like ordination, it is a “Sacred” office.
- Do I have to be state licensed to counsel?
- You need to decide if you want to be in the “business” of counseling or in the “ministry” of counseling. If “ministry,” the N.C.C.A.’s licensing program will better suit your goals to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill His call on your life.
- Is the training biblically sound?
- Yes. We are devoted to the Lord, and our training is biblically based.
- Once credentialed by the N.C.C.A., will I qualify for professional malpractice/liability insurance?
- Lockton and Healthcare Professionals have reviewed the N.C.C.A.’s requirements and credentialing procedures and will provide professional malpractice/liability insurance coverage for our members who reside within the continental United States. Check with your nation of residence. Some restrictions apply, e.g., persons convicted of a felony.