In the CMM College of Theology Doctor of Ministry program, students receive letters of accomplishment for the degree. They gain a clearer vision, authority, and greater confidence in their ministry area, whether in or outside the walls of a church setting. Our students also experience life-long, powerful connections with our global partners, many of whom are leaders of substance and influential impact.

Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Studies

40 Credit Hours
Master of Theology

12-36 Month Avg

Online Class

Why Get a Doctorate of Ministry?

If Holy Spirit is stirring your heart, you will want to consider this degree. This degree also opens doors for ministers and other professionals. You can finish that book you started to write or begin a book you never had the chance to write. This degree will push you to focus on topics you probably wanted to study but never took the time.

We serve people who want more of the Lord and love to share and discuss it. Our global friends continue to drive our Bible-based programs into greater depths of love and renewal for the mission of the Kingdom.

In the CMM College of Theology Doctor of Ministry program, students receive letters of accomplishment for the degree. They gain a clearer vision, authority, and greater confidence in their ministry area, whether in or outside the walls of a church setting. Our students also experience life-long, powerful connections with our global partners, many of whom are leaders of substance and influential impact.

For those with a greater level of experience who choose to complete a degree or add to their curriculum vitae, entering back into an academic atmosphere is not easy. CMM Theology honors your service, understands, and is ready to help you, as we want to see you accomplish all you are called to do. This begins a new chapter in your book, regardless of age. Let us help you in the process.

God has given you a voice to reach the world.

CMM DMIN continues to build on the revealed Word of God through your studies and experience for deeper intimacy so students can grow in their relationship with the Lord and His kingdom. When we are filled up with the Lord, we overflow, and that love overflow looks like something. The Doctor of Ministry will propel you to greater focus, Christ-like, creative, and innovative-revelatory leadership as you contribute significantly to the church, community, and the world as you design, develop, and write your dissertation, which becomes your contribution to the body of Christ.

In the DMIN program you have the opportunity to develop:

  • greater insight into practical research and learning with tangible tips and skills
  • Integrate spiritual and character growth with knowledge in a dimension of personal transformation through wisdom with faith, reason, and action.
  • Revelatory innovative solutions to the pressing issues by engaging in revelatory study and research for the area you serve
  • Enhance identified skills such as prophetic leadership, global preaching, revelatory counseling, spiritual formation, education, and communication;
  • Learn to articulate and communicate on different levels to different audiences for the work of the ministry of Jesus Christ, inside and outside the church walls.
  • Contribute to the Body of Christ for more significant local-global impact and parachurch effectiveness.

Phase 1: Ministry (Business is Ministry too!)

  • We are a missions ministry and look at Cross-Cultural Ministry/Business/Life.
  • You will develop and reevaluate your Leadership Plan (Kingdom Advancement and Org./ Personal Assessment)
  • Better understand today’s culture and how to keep your plumbline as you study “Extreme Thoughts Good and Bad in the Church and Beyond Ethics.”
  • You will look at Theology and Justice in fresh ways
  • As a leader, you have to administrate, but you need Holy Spirit; the Supernatural Administration class brings it all together

You will do a lot of reading, but that reading is for more profound development. There is power in the Word of God!

Phase 2: Personal and Community

Phase 2 ties together our personal and community walk.

  • Students will focus on “Life and Community God’s Way”
  • Caring for others through and with Wisdom makes all the difference. This course provides building blocks for your success. Other courses will be offered as options on the topics.
  • You will have the opportunity to build your ministry on a global scale through the CMM network.

Phase 3: Dissertation

Phase 3 provides the tools you will need to develop your DMIN dissertation. This work is created from topics students gain from aligning with God’s heart for their lives and purposes, Ephesians 2:10. Most of our graduates are or have turned their final work into a book, manual, or study guide. The Word of God and scholars support this application of the student’s revelation and becomes their contribution to the Body of Christ.

Your “God Dream”

What dream has God given you according to Ephesians 2:10?

For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].

Perhaps you are already involved with a ministry, business, nonprofit, church, parachurch organization, or a homemaker. You are ready to take the next step in your career if that sounds like you, a Master of Theology from CMM College of Theology.

Embark on your ministry or business journey, or continue what the Lord has called you to with a Master of Ministry from

Apply today!

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (CPhD)

30 Credit Hours
Doctor of Ministry

12-36 Month Avg

Online Class

This degree is not given to many students. Please inquire at

Doctor of Theology or the CPhD. is a research ministry degree. This degree is to be considered a contribution to humanity. This course is a self-paced research program that compels the student to study and find their voice. Our courses are times of refreshing and encouragement to help build and foster community. This project will be the student’s contribution to humanity. The project will culminate with a 55-75,000-word (around 200 to 250 pages), dissertation to be presented before the class and defended before the review board.