From the President

We are thankful you are here. We ask the Lord to send us those he desires to be a part of the most exciting adventure of growing strong in the faith and His word, the Bible. We take seriously your desire to make your life count as you serve the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and strength. Our heart’s desire is to partner with God to provide strong pathways to Biblical wisdom and proficiency in order to fulfill the Great Commission. CMM College of Theology is reaching the world with the Father’s love, the living Word-Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit to transform lives and nations.
We offer accredited degrees through our online classes worldwide. CMM College of Theology is an interdenominational ministry equipping many who hunger for the love of God through Jesus Christ. CMM College of Theology is founded to provide a solid foundation in God’s word and faith. We are excited to bring solid Biblical principles to leaders and individuals who serve in ministry, the arts, education, business, government, etc. We offer quality, anointed, and spirit-led, theological training by our professionally trained staff that will help you fulfill the destiny the Lord ordained for you from before time began.
The Bible says, “My sheep know my voice…” in John 10:27. It will become increasingly critical for us to know the voice of the Shepherd speaking through the Holy Spirit, and His word, which always confirms what the Spirit speaks.
At CMM College of Theology, our desire is that you will learn to live in awe of the majesty and sovereignty of God and the love that God has for us through Jesus Christ, our Savior. As you succeed and grow in the depth of understanding of the word of God, you will see opportunities to transform society in your culture and journey. Great joy comes as you grow in revelation of the Bible and gain clarity and direction from Holy Spirit. as you learn from anointed prophetic impartation and instruction by staff teachers as well as from well-known guest speakers and authors.
You have a God-given destiny ahead of you Psalm 139:16. Go forth, strong in the Word, strong in faith, and strong in the power of the Holy Spirit. We look forward to your advancing education and completion of why you were born. We are blessed you are considering being a part of the most exciting adventure of all: a life of faith, study, and obeying God.
Dr. Jorge Parrott, President