Administrative Policy
We have abbreviated our requirements for graduate and postgraduate degrees in an effort to hold the tuition to a minimum and allow busy ministers and working students every opportunity for higher Spirit-filled, prophetic, Christian education. It is the desire CMM College of Theology to mix the Word with the Spirit out of a deep well of the rich prophetic heritage that CMM offers. Each year is a complete package for the degree.
Curriculum and Reference Material
The CMM College of Theology seeks to offer the highest quality curriculum and reference materials. Resources are subject to change at the discretion of our faculty leaders. Not all subjects are taught every year
Statement Standards-Code of Conduct
All students are required to give a testimony of having accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Each student is expected to conduct himself/herself in a manner that will, at no time, bring reproach upon our Savior or CMM.
Definition of Credit Hour
CMM meets the necessary standard requirement regarding the number of classroom hours or the equivalent per earned credit hour. We maintain 15 classroom hours to equal one semester hour through reverse classroom experience. Students will work outside of class and then attend online discussions.
Requirements for Admission
- Students must be 18 years of age or older and profess Christ as Lord. To consider your application for admission, the following is to be understood and submitted
- Students must have a high school diploma or equivalent.
- All materials must be in English. • Submit your official application for admission online at
- You must be proficient in the English language and have a minimum TOEFL score of 70 on the internet-based test, or 523 on the paper-based test.
Honorary Degrees
Honorary degrees are only awarded by CMM College of Theology through rare and exceptional service and work in the Kingdom of God. The body of work and life of the person are considered in such matters. This being said, is a consideration of the current and past work and writings, not future life choices or changes that may occur. Potential students may submit requests to the President or Dean. However, the President reserves the right to accept or deny the request. We have refused far more than we have approved. CMM College of Theology is not generous with this particular degree as only a few have earned it. The majority of our 11 doctoral degrees are students that complete the full program. This is a very honorable degree and should be treated as such.
Transferred Credits
CMM College of Theology reserves the right to allow credits earned at other institutions for similar courses taken at that institution. If credit is awarded, the candidate will be assessed $2.00 per credit hour. These hours may not exceed 60% of the required hours for graduation from CMM College of Theology.
To graduate, students will have completed the academic, attendance, and financial requirements for the year with excellence and godly character. Those who complete the first year with high distinction will be granted automatic admission into the next year. High distinction: Completes all assignments with a 3.5 or higher; Paid tuition in full within the due dates; attends 90% of class and upholds the values of CMM.
Grading Criteria
CMM assigns credits to each course. The core subjects are graded on an 8-point grading system. A grade of 70% is considered the minimum passing grade. Other CMM assessments and requirements will be given a pass/no-pass grade. All grades will contribute to an overall GPA.
Below C ………………………………………….Incomplete
C = 2.18 – 3.19 …………………………………Average
B = 3.2 – 3. 59…………………………………..Excellent
A = 3.6 – 4.0 ……………………………………Superior
Submission of Assessment
Completed assessments are to be submitted on the due date via the “Classroom” interface.
Due Dates
Each assessment has a Due Date. These are spread over the academic year to allow for a manageable course load. Completed assessments must be submitted by the due dates. Late submissions will lose a grade of 10% for each day the assessment is late. Students must gain competency in all failed assessments and subjects to be granted eligibility for graduation. The ability to resubmit a failed assessment or repeat a failed subject will be at the discretion of the instructor.
A student may apply for an extension to the submission date of an assessment. The request for an extension must be submitted to the instructor no less than two days before the due date and must demonstrate exceptional circumstances (for example, significant trauma, extended sickness, death in the family, NOT poor time management, computer malfunction, and the like). Approval is based on the discretion of the instructor.
Application Fees and Tuition
A non-refundable application fee of $60 must accompany all applications. Upon approval of the application, 20% is due at REGISTRATION. The remaining balance of tuition and other applicable fees MUST be paid in full by April 15th of each school year. A 10% discount on the annual tuition is applicable if all fees are paid in advance and no later than Oct 1.
Refund Policy
Students may withdraw from a program within 72 hours of signing enrollment forms and payment of tuition and receive a 100% refund minus a $100.00 administrative fee. After 72 hours and until the fourteenth (14th) day after classes begin one will receive a refund of 80% of the tuition payments made provided the student attended at least two class sessions. A student may withdraw from a program from the fifteenth (15th) day through the thirtieth (30th) day after classes begin and receive a refund of 50% of the tuition payments made minus a $100.00 administrative fee, provided the student attended at least three class sessions. After the thirtieth (30th) day following the commencement of classes, tuition will not be refunded. Students must notify CMM College of Theology in writing of the intention to withdraw within the above stipulated time. For students who begin classes for the first-time, a pro-rata calculation based on the number of weeks in the program and the number of weeks the student was enrolled until their date of withdrawal. For those students who withdraw after completion of 60% of the program there is no refund required.
Tuition includes diploma only; robes purchased separately.
We offer 7% off the total fee if the complete payment is before the first day of school. Tuition does not include books or graduation fees.
Payment Info Associates to Master’s Degree
- Pay 20% which includes an application fee of $60 due before school starts
- Associate and bachelor: 20% = $480
- Master programs: 20% = $455
Associate and bachelor students can begin acquiring their credits early and also begin payments early which will cut the cost monthly. If a student wants to start in January, February, March, April, May or June before the September start date we have great options for you to begin and get both schoolwork accomplished as well as payments. Please inquire about this.
Payment Info Doctoral Degrees
- Doctoral Candidates pay 10% of tuition only
- $800 to start which includes $60 app fee
- Doctor of Theology or Ph.D. $900 to start which includes $60 app fee
The first monthly payment for your degree is due in September. Starting in October your monthly payment will be due on the 10th and will be due on the 10th through and including April.
There are monthly payment plans available. Please email
Student Grievance
Informal Resolution “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church.” We use the Biblical method of resolution according to Matthew 18:15-17 The student is strongly encouraged to discuss his or her grievance with the person alleged to have caused the problem. This discussion should be held as soon as the student first becomes aware of the act or condition that is the basis of the grievance. Additionally, or in the alternative, the student may wish to present his or her grievance in writing to the person alleged to have caused the grievance. In either case, the person alleged to have caused the grievance must respond to the student promptly, either orally or in writing.
Escalation of Grievance
If the student is not satisfied with the response, he or she may present the grievance in writing to the director of the department. Any such written grievance must be received by the Administrator not later than forty-five calendar days after the student first became aware of the facts which gave rise to the grievance. (If the grievance is against the director of a department, the student should address his or her grievance to the next level of authority. At this level, a fact-finding investigating should take place. Based upon the report of the information found, the Administrator shall make a determination and submit his or her decision in writing to the student and to the person alleged to have caused the grievance within ten calendar days of receipt of the report. The written determination shall include the reasons for the decision, shall indicate remedial action to be taken if any, and shall inform the student of rights to seek review by the Director.
Appeal Procedures
Within ten calendar days of receipt of the administrator’s decision, a student who is not satisfied with the response of the administrator after the escalation may seek further review by submitting the written grievance, together with the administrator’s written decision, to the Director.