CMM College of Theology is committed to encouraging our students who want to grow in passion and hunger through intimacy with the Lord, learning critical thinking skills to study in fresh ways so that they can fulfill their destiny and build the kingdom of God in the sphere of influence (ministry as well as any vocation) in which they are called. We endeavor to create, edify, and encourage through thought-provoking work led by the Holy Spirit to develop depth, authority, and revelation, connecting students first to the Lord and then to the people around them for the increase of the kingdom of God. (Ephesians 4:11-13 2. Tim. 2:15)
“From the head to the heart and into the world.”
Our Goals
Associate Goal
God, Bible, and you. To understand and hear God in scriptures and daily life, to find greater freedom from bondage and religion, and to put some basic principles in place, including feasts and God’s timetable.
Bachelor Goal
To gain deeper insight into God’s character in OT and how that applies in developing our character, to hear God in scripture and daily life more clearly, and to gain a basic understanding of the feasts and God’s timetable.
Master in Ministry Goal
To help the student better understand the prophets in the Bible through the Spirit of God, in their timeline; to see current prophets and gain a heart of discernment and maturity in personally hearing God, and to study theology in a revelatory way in the Word of God and by His Spirit.
Master in Theology Goal
To understand the Bible and its history in a life-giving way that can be applied to the future, helping students clarify God’s plan and their place in the coming harvest through revelatory theology in the Word of God and by His Spirit. This course offers two tracks, revelatory Theology and revelatory missions.
Doctor of Ministry Goal
Our goal is for the doctoral candidate to present themselves before the Lord to better understand their contribution to the body of Christ. Then to be able to express some part of the whole through a dissertation leading to a book.
Christian Doctor of Philosophy (CPhD) Goal
Our goal is for the doctoral candidate to present themselves before the Lord to better understand their contribution to humanity and then to be able to express some part of the whole through a dissertation, which may lead to writing the book the Lord has called some to write.